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The refund of salary deferred from employees during 4/2020 to 8/2020 based on (GO(P)No.43/2021/Fin dated 26/02/2021) is facilitated in SPARK as 5 instalments itself. The respective month's deferred claim will be disbursed in respective month itself for better accounting of the components like Basic Pay, Dearness Allowance, HRA etc. ie, The quantum deferred in 4/2020 will be release in 4/2021 as such and that in 5/2020 in 5/2021 likewise. In the case of those who will retire during 5/2021 to 8/2021, the installments till the previous month of retirement will be released in respective monthly basis and the rest as single installment in last month.
How to Do it? View Tutorial from Info Spark

* Separate Bill in TR 51 is enabled for the Refund of Deferred Salary.

* If an employee is on deputation the corresponding module may be used for deputed employees

* The Refund of deferred salary irrespective of any instalment will be drawn from the office where the employee is in duty.

* The Provision for donating to CMDRF is also enabled. The same could be done on a monthly basis as per GO(Ms) No. 44/2021/FIN dated 8/3/2021.

View Relvent Govt. orders and Circulars

1. Deferred Salary Distribution : GO(P)No.43/2021/Fin dated 26/02/2021

2. Government Circular : Circular no 20/2021/fin dated 04/03/2021

3. Provision for donating to CMDRF: GO(Ms) No. 44/2021/FIN dated 8/3/2021